Author Archives: 1snowyday

Reaching my “mid life” I am seeking a venue to tell my stories and reflections. I know I am just one of many whom have had experiences that range from the ordinary to spiritually extraordinary. I wish to share them with whomever finds my writings something to identify with, learn from or simply offer up a new perspective; right, wrong or indifferent.

The Bipolar Family Tree

The warm North Dakota mud felt wonderful oozing between my toddler size feet.  For the lack of better things to do on the first warm, sunny spring day my sister Linda and I played in our dirt driveway.  I liked to pretend I was racing a boat using leaves found from beneath the melted snow […]

What I Learned from a Harley Guy

I know a guy that has pointed so many fabulous things out about people and he happens to be in the motorcycle business (sells them).  Over the years it’s been amazing how he has taught me to look at people that I would have considered oddities or ordinary for that matter to be proven very […]

The Mental Illness Label

What is it about mental health that makes it such a mystery?  Maybe because you can’t take a simple blood test,  an ex-ray or a more elaborate type of test to find it.  A person with Bipolar Disorder for example in many cases will make a million mistakes that could possibly lead to disasterous consequences before the diagnosis is even […]